The 1977 Society

Planned giving is the process of thoughtfully including a charitable gift in your estate plans, allowing you to support Operation Fuel while providing for your current financial needs. Every planned gift is different, but no matter the size of any individual gift, collectively, every gift adds up to helping ensure Operation Fuel is fueling Connecticut communities for years to come.

The 1977 Society recognizes the generous donors who have included Operation Fuel in their estate plans. Members are recognized in our Annual Report and our website and enjoy invitations to periodic donor appreciation events and email updates about our programs.

Common ways to give, include:

Gifts through
a will or trust

Gifts through life
insurance policies

If you have included Operation Fuel in your estate plans, we encourage you to let us know.

Having awareness of our legacy donors enables us to better plan for our future endeavors and allows us to thank you! Of course, if you prefer to remain anonymous, we respect your wishes and will practice gratitude from afar.

For more information about the 1977 Society, please contact Roxanna Booth at 860-243-2345 x 3322 or