Do You Need Help
Paying Utility Bills?
Operation Fuel provides emergency energy and utility assistance to households in Connecticut that are facing financial crisis.
Operation Fuel Assistance Programs
Operation Fuel opens for energy assistance twice per year to support CT residents struggling to pay for their energy and power needs. This program offers Connecticut households one-time energy assistance grants up to $500 towards a utility bill or one-time fuel delivery.
We are proud to partner with Aquarion Water Company, Connecticut Water Company, and the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) to support water assistance programs year-round, or until funding has expired. For more information on Water Assistance, click here.
With Your Energy and Power Needs
Eligible Connecticut households can apply for a one-time energy assistance grant up to $500 in a 12-month period. Energy assistance grants are intended to be a one-time, emergency assistance to be used within 30 days of approval. Operation Fuel manages two program season per year, during which we accept applications until funding runs out.
Energy Assistance Programs – Opening January 27, 2025
Earn up to 75% State Median Income (SMI), which clients verify by submitting pay stubs or other (gross) income documentation from the past 4 weeks.
Wait at least 12 months since you last applied for Operation Fuel assistance. We approve households for up to 1 grant per year, up to $500, to pay an electricity or gas bill. Example: If you applied on 10/1/23, you would next be eligible on 10/1/24.
For electric and gas, clients must show they made at least 4 payments in the past year. Note: payments do not have to be from the last 4 months, and don’t need to be 4 months in a row.
For assistance with electric and gas, the account holder must owe a past due amount; Operation Fuel does not provide utility bill credits.
Energy applicants may also qualify for water assistance in the same year.
Submit application.
Earn up to 75% State Median Income (SMI), which clients verify by submitting pay stubs or other (gross) income documentation from the past 4 weeks.
Wait at least 12 months since you last applied for Operation Fuel assistance. We approve households for up to 1 grant per year, up to $500, a delivered fuel bill. Example: If you applied on 10/1/23, you would next be eligible on 10/1/24.
For delivered fuel assistance, the applicant may only receive a grant toward their future delivery; Operation Fuel does not pay past due balances for delivered fuel customers.
Fuel applicants may also qualify for water assistance in the same year.
Submit application.
How to present your documents when applying:
Operation Fuel’s energy assistance programs require proof of (gross) income eligibility. Operation Fuel assistance grants are not an entitlement to all Connecticut residents who fall within income guidelines.
- We require that applicants submit documentation showing income for all household members over the age of 21, for the 4 weeks prior to the application date.
- If you are currently employed, please provide your paystubs with your name and the date for the past four weeks.
- If you receive income from benefits such as social security or a pension, please submit your most current documents showing your income for the past 4 weeks or as recent as possible.
- If you have a current award letter for the CT Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), please submit your household’s most recent approval letter to qualify.
- Adults without income documentation for the past 4 weeks may attest that by downloading the corresponding Operation Fuel form and including it with your online application:
- Zero Income form (currently no income)
- Friends and Family form (if receiving financial support from friends and family)
- Self Employment form (if self-employed or working without formal paystubs)
CT 2024-2025 Income Guidelines
(Please visit 211 for more information)
Apply in Person
Operation Fuel partners with Fuel Banks across the state of Connecticut who proivde in-person applications support during energy assistance program seasons. To find a Fuel Bank near you, call 2-1-1 or click the button below to locate a Fuel Bank by zip code.
Are you a Fuel Bank or Vendor?
Get in Touch!
Please email with questions.
Operation Fuel team members are available by phone at (860) 243-2345 during support hours, Monday through Friday from 9:00am to 12:00pm.