Operation Fuel partners and collaborates with legislative and state officials, social service agencies, utilities, delivered fuel vendors, and other stakeholders to develop policies that reduce energy and water utility burden for Connecticut residents.


What is PURA?

The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) is statutorily-charged with ensuring that Connecticut’s investor-owned utilities, including the state’s electric, natural gas, water, and telecommunications companies, provide safe, clean, reliable, and affordable utility service and infrastructure.

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Dockets Followed by Operation Fuel

Docket No. 24-09-07 Equity, Accessibility, and Stakeholder Engagement

In January 2025, the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) initiated a proceeding to encourage CT residents and diverse ratepayers to join their proceedings. PURA is especially interested in improving opportunities for low-income residential customers, those who experience high energy burden, and those impacted by PURA’s decisions to share their experiences with policymakers. The investigation asks: 

  1. How can PURA make stakeholder participation and engagement in dockets easier, more meaningful, and more efficient? 
  2. What constraints or obstacles currently limit effective participation and engagement? 
  3. What information can PURA provide to help consumers understand regulated services? 
  4. What accessibility tools, such as translation, should be prioritized by PURA and the public service companies?


The first public meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 20th, 2025. The Authority expects to issue a final decision in September 2025.  Want to learn more? Email our Public Affairs & Policy Advisor, Mike Turaj at 

Docket No. 24-05-01 Annual Review of Affordability Programs and Offerings (Energy Affordability Annual Review)

Join us in Advocating for Equitable Energy in CT.

Operation Fuel advocates at the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), sharing our experience providing emergency assistance to thousands of CT residents each year. Right now, the Authority is actively seeking ideas on how to make their decision-making process – which impacts everything from the design of an electric bill to payment plans – more equitable and accessible to CT residents and ratepayers. If you’re interested in learning more on how you can share your experience as an electric or gas utility customer in CT, please email our Public Affairs & Policy Advisor Mike Turaj at 

Together, we are helping real people whose children need a warm place to study or whose ill family member may need to operate life-saving equipment.

Ann and Mike, Operation Fuel donors from West Hartford