Operation Fuel Opposes H.B. 5441- An Act Concerning Utility Shutoffs for Certain Customers as Currently Written20240429171709

Operation Fuel Opposes H.B. 5441- An Act Concerning Utility Shutoffs for Certain Customers as Currently Written

  Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Associate, Mike Turaj – March 14, 2024 Operation Fuel appreciates the opportuni...
Operation Fuel Opposes Section 4 of H.B. 5426 An Act Concerning Fuel Vendor Reimbursement Under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program20240429150010

Operation Fuel Opposes Section 4 of H.B. 5426 An Act Concerning Fuel Vendor Reimbursement Under the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

  Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Associate, Mike Turaj – March 14, 2024 Dear Co-Chairs Rep. Gilchrest, Sen. Less...
Testimony on H.B. 5004, An Act Concerning The Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures20240429124049

Testimony on H.B. 5004, An Act Concerning The Implementation of Certain Climate Change Measures

  Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Associate, Mike Turaj – March 8, 2024 Co-Chairs Rep. Gresko, Sen. Lopes, Rankin...
Operation Fuel Supports H.B. 5439, An Act Concerning Heat Pump Adoption and H.B. 5438, An Act Concerning Energy Efficiency Funding and Programs20240429122540

Operation Fuel Supports H.B. 5439, An Act Concerning Heat Pump Adoption and H.B. 5438, An Act Concerning Energy Efficiency Funding and Programs

Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Associate, Mike Turaj – March 14, 2024 Dear Co-Chairs Rep. Steinberg, Sen. Needleman, ...
Operation Fuel Supports S.B. 384, An Act Concerning The Low-Income Energy Advisory Board20240404130053

Operation Fuel Supports S.B. 384, An Act Concerning The Low-Income Energy Advisory Board

  Testimony from Interim Chief Executive Officer and Chief Advancement Officer, Roxanna Booth – March 14, 2024 Operation Fuel supports the ...
CT Energy Expo 2023: Brought To You By Operation Fuel & CPES20230920081505

CT Energy Expo 2023: Brought To You By Operation Fuel & CPES

Kiana StokesSeptember 20, 20230 comments
Come to Connecticut’s First Annual Energy Expo! Held at the Connecticut Convention Center in Downtown Hartford, the Energy Expo will promote eve...
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting RB 5203, AAC Utility Cost-Sharing Mechanisms20220323173457

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting RB 5203, AAC Utility Cost-Sharing Mechanisms

Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Director Gannon Long, March 2022. Chairs Needleman & Arconti, Ranking members Formica &a...
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting RB 292 AAC Heating Efficiency in New Residential Construction and Major Alterations of Residential Buildings.20220323173428

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting RB 292 AAC Heating Efficiency in New Residential Construction and Major Alterations of Residential Buildings.

Testimony from Operation Fuel Executive Director Brenda Watson, March 2022. Operation Fuel ensures equitable access to energy for all by providing yea...
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting HB 5342, AAC Membership of Low-Income Energy Advisory Board20220323173342

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting HB 5342, AAC Membership of Low-Income Energy Advisory Board

Testimony from Operation Fuel Executive Director Brenda Watson, March 2022. Chairs Rep. Abercrombie and Sen. Moore, Ranking Members Rep. Case and Sen....
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting SB 4, AAC The CT Clean Air Act.20220323171318

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting SB 4, AAC The CT Clean Air Act.

Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Director Gannon Long, March 2022. Watch Gannon present her testimony here. Transportation Co...
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting SB 14 AAC Home Energy Affordability for Home Buyers20220308152808

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting SB 14 AAC Home Energy Affordability for Home Buyers

Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Director Gannon Long, March 2022. Chairs Lesser and Wood, Ranking Members Hwang and Pavalock...
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting Bill 176, AAC Shared Clean Energy Facilities20220308150117

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting Bill 176, AAC Shared Clean Energy Facilities

Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Director Gannon Long, March 2022. Chairs Rep. Arconti, Sen. Needleman; Ranking Members Rep. ...
Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting Governor’s Bill 5041, AAC Home Energy Affordability for Home Renters20220308134805

Operation Fuel Testimony Supporting Governor’s Bill 5041, AAC Home Energy Affordability for Home Renters

Testimony from Operation Fuel Policy & Public Affairs Director Gannon Long, March 1, 2022. Chairs Lopes and Williams, Ranking Members Polletta and...